SignTalk Foundation Sponsors Theatre Manu’s Crying Hands

SignTalk Foundation is proud to sponsor Norway’s Theatre Manu production Crying Hands. Based on interviews with Deaf Holocaust and civilian survivors, Crying Hands explores the fates of the Deaf and disabled in Nazi Germany, a neglected story of the Holocaust.


The play is the story of a Hans a Deaf political prisoner who struggles to survive in Sachsenhausen and later in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

This original production by Teater Manu, an award-winning NationalDeaf Theater in Oslo, has toured extensively across Norway and abroad. With four of Norway’s most dynamic actors, it is performed in both ASL and English.

The play was translated from Norwegian Sign Language to American Sign Language by creative performer, Douglas Ridloff. “As a Deaf individual, I must say that this production is so important to our history. Everyone, regardless if you’re Deaf or hearing, should learn about this powerful history that needs to never be repeated. If you have the chance, go and watch the performance when they’re on tour.”

Tickets are available for performances in NYC, Washington and Toronto and can be purchased here.

Update – Photos of the amazing event:

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